Food and Beverage Archives | PDD

Tag: Food and Beverage

The Future of Home Appliances –
the Opportunity in China

Over the past few decades, China has changed dramatically. Alongside mass urbanisation, phenomenal economic growth and radical technological advances, some of the most significant changes have happened in people’s homes.

In China, family and shared food experiences are an essential part of the culture, and higher household incomes and increased purchasing power continue to drive up demand for new kitchen and home products.
To capitalise on that opportunity, home appliance companies need to think beyond their existing product portfolios, embrace the uniqueness of China’s food culture and its distinctive national character.

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The future of food in your home

After tracking sociocultural and technology trends influencing and shaping the kitchen landscape over the past 10 years, we wanted to share with you some key insights and opportunity areas that will impact food futures.

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A taste of the future

I wish I hadn’t got up at 5:15 last Wednesday morning. Not that I’m complaining, but the multi-sensory experience I had signed up to attend later that day was a mind-altering event that was really worth being all there for…

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Design for Halloween

A staggering £285 million was spent on Halloween related goods in the UK in 2012 and with the figure expected to reach £315 million in 2013, it definitely seems to be big business to create spooky themed products or services for this yearly event. Here’s a round-up of a few Halloween products that caught our eye!

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