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Tag: Primitive Future

Intimacy of nature, humans and space

In 2009 I volunteered in the curatorial team for the Shen Zhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture. One of my tasks was to help architect Sou Fujimoto prepare his speech on ‘Primitive Future’ (also the title of his book). At the time I knew little about him or architecture, but as a person who is crazy about all forms of art, I embraced this dream opportunity. I was working through some admin duties as he began to deliver his talk. He was very calm and measured, exuding the same aura of Zen that seems to emanate from all of his architecture. I found myself compelled to stop what I was doing and to listen with the rest of the enthralled audience; I found his concepts and ideals extremely interesting and inspiring.

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