Digitisation has made it OK for us to talk to our (future) selves. | PDD

Digitisation has made it OK for us to talk to our (future) selves.


on January 27 2012

Of course, with a new year comes a new hope, a hope that we’re going to be a better, more organised and fulfilled version of our self in the future. It was with these thoughts earlier in January I started to think about the instantaneous of our modern lives.

Featured image ©PDD

The digital age that we are living in commands us to be always available, and always on. Online gaming,  dating  and social networks have trained our minds to think quickly, and to be available to cater for the people we share our networks with. Although the digital phenomenon has no doubt enriched our lives as consumers, how is it changing the way we are? And, the way we act?

In my quest to stay organised one of my daily tasks (well, nearly every day) is to e-mail my future self, just to make sure that I don’t forget to do all the important things I need to get done. Like a virtual, remotely stored to-do list that pops up just at the right moment. The practice really has made me  question my memory capabilities – particularly when it comes to my short-term memory.

Looking back to my childhood I look back nostalgically to the tangible object. The homework diary, the notebooks filled with hours and hours of work, ready to be referred back to in a near-instant. Even, looking back to eventful days at school where school friends excitedly filled time capsules with keepsakes and zeitgeist ephemera, all ready to be buried for our future generations. Our tangible past fades away along with time capsules, thanks to websites like FutureMe that allows its users to schedule timed messages set in the future via e-mail. Definitely much less interesting and engaging than digging up a Tamagotchi or a Bros 7 inch.

Thanks to the global recession consumers are looking back, and designers are helping to merge the old and new, bringing our nostalgic desires to our super organised lives.

Image of notebook and pen ©PDD

Image from sesway.en.made-in-china.com

Our past sense of touch and feel is gradually being given back to us, with consumer electronics in particular incorporating textures to elevate our experience.

If you are intrigued by my thoughts I have a small challenge for you. With our heavy reliance upon our beloved consumer electronics our memory has had to adapt, test your brain now, how many phone  numbers  do you know off the top of your head? (I know only 1). #memorytest tweet us, @pddinnovation with your answers.