Headphones are the original wearable. PDD features in Fortune Magazine | PDD

Headphones are the original wearable. PDD features in Fortune Magazine


on July 10 2014

Wearables are all the craze this year, but as the Apple acquisition of Beats shows us – the focus should be on headphones and not on the wrist. Marko Plevnik talks to Fortune Magazine on how the ‘original wearable’ has the potential to offer more than just a private music experience.

“The way music gets consumed, we’re slaves to convenience. It’s always on the go, really low fidelity, high noise. It’s almost an add-on to another experience. If headphones can add extra poignancy or meaning to music. That’s a good thing.”

To read the full article visit fortune.com

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t: +44 (0)20 8735 1111