Nice design and stuff | PDD

Nice design and stuff


on October 17 2012

I haven’t done one of these posts in a while – you know, the ones where I essentially lay out all the things that I desire for Christmas. Perhaps I should rename this feature ‘Dear Husband…’ In any case, here are some beautiful things and interesting bits and pieces that have captured my attention recently.

“What is the point of a vase?” That is what Giorgia Zanellato thought as she embarked on designing this series. Her conclusion; to focus on the flowers and show them off. The Narciso vases use mirrors to draw attention to the flowers, to mesmerising effect. We saw them at Milan Design Week this year… I want, I want, I want!

I am a big fan of razzle dazzle in general (if you don’t know what it is I suggest you check it out immediately). So when I saw this facial CV dazzle by Adam Harvey you can imagine that I was delighted. Mix in the dystopian future of dodging computer vision and facial recognition and you have yourself a new style!

In an effort to spring clean my computer files I came across this little beauty from Milan design week 2011. Still just as charming as when I first saw it – ‘Dreaming’ by Nitsan Debbi are delicate kites playing in the wind created by computer fans. Makes me want to show off the back of my PC!

Lastly, is artist Grayson Perry’s collaboration with architects FAT and Living Architecture. There has been some controversy surrounding ‘A House for Essex’, in a true British village manner, but I love it. Inspired by the follies, legends and folklore generated through local culture, the building creates a narrative of a fictional character, Julie, and is a shrine to her life and skills. From 2014 you will be able to rent ‘A House for Essex’ and enjoy all its eccentric artworks, tapestries and features that celebrate Julie.