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Tag: design thinking

Design Thinking for Innovation
Launching Our 2024 Innovation Training Programme

We were delighted to host our first Design Thinking Innovation Training Workshop of 2024 in our studio in Shanghai this January, with participants from leading medical device and pharmaceutical companies. Under the guidance and mentorship of our colleagues Vicky Hong, Principal – Research, and Jasper Hu, Senior Consultant – Industrial Design at PDD, attendees from […]

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Design for Repair: Driving more sustainable behaviours

Electrical waste (e-waste) continues to be a growing problem globally and is estimated to increase by at least 2 million tonnes per year, to reach 120 million tonnes by 2050 if both manufactures and consumers fail to take action. In July 2021, the UK Government put into force a new ecodesign requirement for electrical products sold in […]

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The Future of Smart Homes

The home environment has morphed over time to align with our changing, and digitally-focused lifestyles. Once considered a humble dwelling for rest, nourishment, socialising and togetherness with loved ones, the role of our homes has expanded and they are now a place of work and entertainment, a place of fitness and wellbeing and more recently, a place where we look after our health and wellbeing.

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Grounded in reality – the true value of Human-Centred Research

When was the last time you pulled when it said ‘push’?

Every day, we are surrounded by products and services that somehow, don’t work as we expect them to. Whether it is an ‘impossible-to-follow’ set of instructions or the ‘push’ sign on a handle that clearly invites you to pull, people are constantly forced to develop workarounds to compensate for poor design.

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The Beauty of Responsibility.

Design can be a powerful driver for change – it can inspire new behaviours and drive us to think and act more responsibly. But to innovate ourselves to a better future, a puritanical focus on reducing impact will not do.

In this article, Marko Plevnik, Principal – Industrial Design at PDD, reflects on the importance of character in good design and the need to create meaningful experiences that are emotionally rewarding and encourage people to do the right thing. 

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E-learning programme powered by Skillsoft and PDD

The online learning programme enables organisations to access various video-based courses and effective tools needed to discover and define opportunities, brainstorm, prototype and test solutions.

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PDD to launch Design Thinking online learning programme in partnership with Skillsoft

PDD and Skillsoft, a global leader in corporate learning, today jointly announced that they will be launching an online learning programme on Design Thinking later this year.

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Human-Centered Design tames big data into information that your business can use

While we are all conscious that big data will be transforming our businesses and even our way of life, the best use and how to translate all of that data is not always immediately evident. Human-Centered Design helps find the most meaningful ways to translate big data into information that your business can use to the benefit of your organisation.

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Mash up: Human-Centred Design & Business Model Canvas

A few weeks ago I posted a mash-of Larry Keeley’s Ten Types of Innovation and Alexander Osterwalder’s and Yves Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas (BMC).

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A Doctor’s perspective on learning Human-Centred Design

During my internship with PDD, I participated in the LUMA Institute + PDD’s Human-Centred Design (HCD) for Innovation workshop that the PDD HCD team runs several times a year in London.

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Health, well-being and HUMIIN™ interactions at the International Home+ Housewares Show

Our friends at Intersection-inc. attended the International Home + Housewares Show in Chicago, IL, and provided some insights into the hot topics and products from the show.

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